Images and reflective thoughts.
The following are just some images followed by some words that come to mind when I consider why I was drawn to the scene, what I think of when I look through my lens of the world at these images, and general observation or thoughts. As I have said before, images are made and perceived by the viewer from their perspective of the world. The perspective is an accumulation of life experience, class and education, political leanings and spiritual beliefs, but also so much more. What follows is an insight to my perspective and how I see the world, that may not be correct and likely differ from yours, that’s ok just be respectful to how others see the world and try to understand why that differs from yours.
Alleys and streets that draw the big screen touts, film sets for the internet, usually the backdrop for a down and out. Glasgow streets, they’ve got a beat, people chat, they have a laugh, no matter where they’re at! Where’s that Glasgow Alley cat? Well, he says ‘F’ that, have you seen the size of those rats, they’re almost as big as yer door mat! They come in waves as they come oot their caves, a tell ye I’m not that brave! All that said it is a film set, for The Batman, Indiana Jones, World War Z, Skyfall, Fast and Furious have all answered the call. What will it be when featureless and clean, sanitary and sedate as we pursue that mystery, they say they’ll create. Glass all around us, boxes rising into the sky as we blueprint the rest and our identities die!
You can tell a lot about the governance of a city by the custodians approach to the upkeep and decline of the physical environment, this often can give an insight to how they care, or not, about their citizen's. This is Glasgow! I am currently researching for a project in Woodside, last night considered the various city strategies by Glasgow City Council and I was not impressed by the lack of voice and visibility of the people of Glasgow in the strategies, in fact there is a distinct lack of consideration of community strength, with wording around communities being "tantalising clues for the future" and "lacking central heart". Not to mention the target to double the city population without mention of the additional pressure on existing public services. But of course, if you plan to fill a city with wealthy people and businesses to exploit the low cost of living balanced with reasonably high income then you diminish the demand on public services, it's called gentrification, or social/economic cleansing. All from an urban politic standpoint who really don't have the power to tackle the central issue of poor national policy. "Structuralists see city governments as unable to control national and international capitalist forces. For them, urban politics is largely irrelevant" (P. Eisinger, in
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences
, 2001).
1/500 of a second caught in time. Tension and Contrast, tension of emotion between the subjects which contrast much the same as the light on that particular day. Chilled out accepting of life drawing on the pipe in mouth vs the anxious look of trying to manoeuvre and fight to fit into the flow of today's society, phone, luggage and kids at hand. Behind them the historical sight of Edinburgh Castle, all those who stood in that spot before them largely unknown and but a spirt in the existence of 1/500th of a second in time. This moment has also past now, but a 1/500th of a second in time, this one captured in camera if anyone cares to look back the 1/500th of a second can then live on.
Everyday essentials? That depends on your circumstances! I saw a post recently by a IG photographer with 62.7K followers, they photography particularly gritty images of people with addiction, homelessness and sex workers. However, they then complained about people bringing emotion and bias into viewing their images and leaving comments. No street photo is just a photo as they pointed out it should be viewed as just an image. This is a ridiculous statement! This image is a rare one for me, where I include someone living on the street. I hope the contrast of foreground and background subjects should then cause you to look around for the story and massages within the image. If you do you will see they are cutting prices to help you with your everyday essentials, but what are your essentials when you start the day with nothing? Compared to the essentials of someone who wakes up in a warm and safe place with food and clothes appropriate for the conditions? This image is full of signs that can lead you down paths to explore in your thoughts, maybe one of them is being cheesy. Regardless, if an image makes you think, evokes emotion, or prompts a response, understand why and accept you do have bias, you are not impartial, and don't just accept an image as just a photograph. It's all Political or political.
This image I am going to leave without comment, send me a message using the contact form below and tell me your constructed narrative I’d be interested to hear from you.