Starting off 2024 in Portugal

January 27th 2024, Faro Airport, Portugal.

It has been a rapid and busy start to 2024, both in terms of my full time work, photography. As always it’s a challenge to make time for everything, especially when you are consciously trying to spend more time with family and friends and make time for what you enjoy and need to remain healthy in body and mind.

27 days into the year, I’ve had some lovely time with the grandchildren. This image of Max finding a frozen spider web made for a really cool photo, more than that it reminds us of the most important reason for making photos, keeping special memories.

27 days into the new year, physical exercise has increased, not to the point of venturing out on the bike again but that’s next. I have had a few runs including a beautiful trail run up Conic hill looking over Loch Lomond. Which you can see was beautiful but a bit like a high street. Photos taken on the phone but again is great for documenting memories.

18 days into the new year I have signed up for the 1st Dublin street photography festival. I have enrolled on 2 workshops and submitted 3 images to the individual photo competition, this is my 1st comp so not expecting much!

27 days into 2024 and I am currently in Faro airport at the end of an amazing week. Travelling to different places in Portugal from the Atlantic coast on the west to Tavira in the south looking out over the Mediterranean. Finding out new information about the archaeology of the town of Balsa and items dating back to the 2nd century. Engaging with ceramic artists in the mountain town of Monchique and street photography in between. Look out for images from my Portugal trip.


In Search of the Horse’s Arse of Dublin


Pressing the shutter on 2023